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Our school

Who are we?

The year 2016 commemorates 50 years of our school‘s existence.
Our school was founded among the Pankrac housing estates and as one of the few schools found a solution to the lack of pupils following the decline of the population boom by founding the establishment of the first General Family school in the academic year 1992/1993.
The school year 1998/1999 led to its transformation into the Secondary School of Administration and Services and the development was completed by connecting the nearby pre-school in Kaplická street creating an absolutely unique entity of an educational institution, one that integrates children, pupils and students from three to nineteen.

What sets us apart and what do we take pride in?

Our school uniquely combines all three levels of primary and secondary education starting with the pre-school level all the way to the Maturita school leaving exams in the last year of the Secondary school.
Due to this strong bond our school patiently and systematically creates a team spirit and a welcoming, friendly atmosphere manifested not only in relations among pupils but also between pupils and teachers.
Our school develops and promotes the abilities and potencials of talented and gifted pupils and students, but also provides a chance to shine and succeed to those with average academic results, or to those who have not succeeded elsewhere.
Confirming the success of this route are numerous words of appreciation from the parents, especially those, whose children have been at other elementary schools.
We provide for a positive school climate and offer consulting services, especially in the area of the prevention of socio-pathological phenomena.
Our team of professionals consists of a school psychologist with regular consulting hours, a special education teacher, two counselors and prevention specialists.

Elementary School

Our Elementary School is a faculty school of the Charles University Faculty of Pedagogy.
Since 2007/2008, the school education programme used for basic education is the "Optimal school" programme, which raises the bar of systematic and optimal education throughout the curriculum.


The English language is taught starting in the first grade of elementary school. By the third grade, we offer the choice of expanding the learning of the English language. Sixth grade students have the opportunity to choose another foreign language (German, French, Spanish, Italian or Russian). Another foreign language is then compulsary in the eighth grade.

PC literacy:

The school has developed a plan for ICT learning in computer labs starting in the first grade. The subject of Informatics is introduced into the school curriculum in the fifth year of elementary education. In the seventh year, the integrated subject of digital technology is introduced.

Integration of pupils:

Great attention is paid to pupils with special educational needs. Pupils are successfully integrated in the classroom. The consultation services of a school psychologist, a special education teacher and an educational consultant are provided to all pupils. Individual attention is also paid to pupils who are exceptionally gifted and talented.

Prevention of socially pathological phenomena:

Our methods of prevention of socially pathological phenomena operate according to the minimum preventive program "3P - prevention, understanding, support." Since 2006 the grant program PCH "Healthy City of Prague" is being implemented.

Environmental education:

The Environmental education program of pupils takes place through an annual program, "Kavka" that permeates across most subjects.

Multicultural education:

Multicultural education is understood as a cross-cutting theme that intersects through all subjects. The school traditionally participates in the project "One World in Schools".

Other activities:

Our school organizes swimming courses, ski courses and school trips abroad. It is involved in the state subsidised programmes "School Milk" and "School Fruit." Every year a wide range of extracurricular activities and clubs are held at the school, among other things.

Further opportunities:

To prepare students for the professional world, the subject of the World of Work is introduced to the pupils of the 8th and 9th years of compulsory education. This subject helps pupils find their standing and interest in possible areas of their future professional life.
In recent years, all of our ninth grade graduates were accepted to the high school they chose. The advantage of our school is also the opportunity for the graduates to continue their education at our own secondary school.

Autor: Martin Vocílka  •  Vydáno: 19.2.2016 13:06  •  Přečteno: 2256x

EVROPSKÁ UNIE * Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy * OP Praha - pól růstu ČR 

Modernizace učebny přírodovědného vzdělávání spolu s podporou využití digitálních technologií ve výuce a zajištění jejich bezdrátové konektivity

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Stručný popis projektu:

Projekt je zaměřen na modernizaci přírodovědné učebny. Projekt je tedy plně v souladu s činností žadatele, kterou je vzdělávání a výchova dětí a mládeže. Modernizací dojde ke zkvalitnění výuky odborných přírodovědných předmětů, čímž dojde k posílení zájmu žáků o výuku těchto předmětů.

Doba realizace projektu byla do 31.10.2021.

Loga - projekt doučováníOd září 2021 do 30.6.2023 jsme se zapojili do aktivit Národního plánu doučování.

Finanční prostředky jsme čerpali na skupinové i individuální doučování žáků z programu „Doučování žáků škol – Realizace investice 3.2.3 Národního plánu obnovy".

Cílem doučování bylo především narovnání vzdělanostních rozdílů ve výsledcích vzdělávání a eliminace negativních dopadů výluk prezenční výuky na výsledky vzdělávání žáků, k nimž došlo v souvislosti s pandemií Covid-19.


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